“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.”
~Helen Keller
Values We work towards
[Learning, Respect, Autonomy, and Equity]
‘It’s all learning.’
Learning never stops. At Potentials our aim and ambition is to develop a vibrant learning culture that empowers action and engagement. This entails community members stepping up and becoming "Guides" or teachers and mentors for others. The Guide role is our governance role and requires training and certification. Learning is a pillar of our movement simply because learning is everything. Everywhere. It’s all learning… So we better get good at it. Individually, as well as together.
‘The foundation.’
Respect is essential. It’s our foundation, our focus. Respect has to be a central pillar of Potentials because innovation should be rooted in respect. Respecting users, respecting users' data, ideas, and privacy. As part of using potentials we ask that users sign a respect smart contract committing to respecting users' ideas and if they ask that you don’t share it yet, please respect their request. There will be a label/indicator on potentials you’re allowed to share and an indicator for potentials that are private, or in an early phase. Within collabs/innovation teams, users can set their own respect requirements and custom respect smart contracts, ie what they’re allowed to share and what stays within the circle/collab.
‘It’s a vibe.’
Re: The ownership culture. It’s how we learn, it’s how we build. It’s our vibe. We are learners, builders, & guides. We are helpful and supportive. Constructive and brutally honest. We all pitch in to help guide movement and self-organize around potentials and job boards/task bounties. Giving thoughtful feedback and guidance on a potential and collectively taking an active role in governance. As a unit, we work to increase engagement and participation. We work continuously to learn as individuals, as a team, and as a whole. Like a hive of learners continuously voting and commenting on potentials, offering genuine guidance and direction as a whole.
‘Power to the people.’
We're sticking up for the 'little guy'. At Potentials, we advocate for our users. As teachers and guides, we work to become good listeners and respectful builders. We are thoughtful and intentional. We leave our egos at the door and collectively create a culture of care, collaboration, and curiosity. Thoughtful innovation is a key factor in creating a more equitable whole. Anyone can have an idea. It’s what you do with it that matters. That’s where we come in. Potentials empowers anyone out there with a vision to develop their model and take it to the next level. We’re essentially creating a support network for builders and entrepreneurs. The Potentials Protocol allows a builder to document an idea, communicate their vision, receive feedback from the builder community, and gradually raise capital for their vision.