

One potential can change the world forever.

The app for coordination.

The protocol for innovation.

.: Potentials.App


The Potentials App helps anyone with an idea to develop their vision and set it into motion. 

Potentials is a crowdfunding and investment app for projects ranging from social impact initiatives, to open-source software development or even building a DAO for your community. You can utilize the Potentials protocol to document your idea and then create a community around your potential. Track contributions to your potential/community using the $Respect framework. Individuals can subscribe to individual potentials for updates, governance, and engagement opportunities. The Potentials App aims to have a variety of engagement tools for interacting with your community/potential and organizing action. 

Potentials.App is an autonomy and self-organization tool for DAOs to utilize. DAOs can use potentials to improve their governance and engagement. 

You can think of the Potentials.App as a universal proposal engine for communities and DAOs and a protocol for DAO to DAO collaborations. Potentials becomes your hub for building and interacting with your community. On the Potentials App community members can create a profile, post potentials, collaborate, share ideas, and build together. Find partners or co-founders using the Potentials.App for your project or DAO. Send potentials/ideas/models to companies, DAOs, or other builders. 

A Potential can be simplified to: 

1. Name: The Name of the Potential

2. Model: The Description/Model

.:  This refers to a previous potential

::  This is a symbol to document a brand new potential

:_:  This is the symbol to document a new private potential

:*:  This is the symbol to add a new private potential to your favorites


:*: Being

Potentials and the Prospect Team is working on a peer-to-peer reputation protocol called /Respect to document contributions to potentials and a protocol for creating and documenting something new. This protocol can be used to send potentials to friends or potential co-founders. Example: Sending a Model to a friend asking them to help you brainstorm a name for an idea or vice-versa, sending a Name of a potential and asking them to help you brainstorm a model. 

Potentials strives to create a network of support for entrepreneurs and builders with a strong vision. You can privately save both names and models to your Potentials Profile. Create innovation teams, 'Collabs', and send potentials privately to your inner circle/team/s. Additionally, you can utilize the Potentials.App to search via values and find investors or co-founders for your potential. Create a vision statement on your Potentials Profile and find other builders that align with or share a similar vision.

At its core, Potentials is a collective intelligence tool that enables communities to align around a collective focus. Users can signify potentials that they are actively focused on in their Potentials profile.



The Potentials.App is a tool for community autonomy and self-organization. 

The Potentials.App is a crowdfunding and investment app that enables users to invest in early stage projects. Within the Potentials App investors can interact with founders and help mentor and offer guidance. 

Potentials is a framework for think-tanks and innovators to document their ideas and receive support, guidance, and feedback from the Potentials Builder Community.

DAOs can utilize the Potentials.App to simplify governance and increase engagement within the Engage tab of Potentials.

Potentials serve as a framework to guide swarm dynamics and coordinate collective action/impact.

Potentials is powered by engagement and active participation. Get involved and join the discussion!

Get rewarded in $Respect tokens for your contributions to various potentials within the Builder Community Discord.

Our vision is to develop Potentials as a simplified and accessible governance tool for DAOs to utilize to drive quality engagement and coordinate action. 

--> Potential.Vision

Invest in the future.

Invest in your team.

Discover your potential at Potentials.App

What's your vision?



To foster a culture rooted in respect and responsibility.

To make progress on pressing wicked problems as a whole.

To encourage and support community learning, mentorship, and guidance.

To build an accessible human-centered and value-centered platform for networked innovation, collective intelligence, and global systems change.

 To build decentralized Dapps that improve our dynamics and sustainability as a whole.

To empower builders to co-create, learn, and innovate together.

To foster a culture of contribution, care, autonomy, and self-organization. 

The goal: Value-centered, thoughtful innovation.

A Product By Prospect

Support The Movement. Grab a shirt or hoodie!



Visit: www.Adapt.Vision to learn more.

Email: August@Adapt.Vision to contribute or get involved. 

Hiring web3 developers and front-end devs++ 

Join the .:The Forge:. Community Discord Server for updates and learning/innovation sessions:






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Want to help make Potential a reality?


All funds collected will go directly towards the development of the Potentials platform. Any leftover funds will be allocated back into the community via a monthly treasury for the developers//builders of Potentials.

Cash App:


Contribute $Dash:


Contribute $Sol:


Contribute $Ethereum:


Contribute $Bitcoin:



A Product By Prospect